The Washlink Systems team was asked by Hayden Shamburger head coach of H20 carwash in beautiful Highlands Ranch, Colorado to convert their dated and unsupported ISI WashSoft POS to our vastly advanced Saleslink POS. We were also asked to add a Saleslink Stacker Controller to H2O's excisting Kesseltronics RTU, improving reliability and simplifying employees ability to stack vehicles.
Just as we were making major progress on the conversion, a huge spring snow storm hit. While the storm was raging outside the WLS team was inside working on the conversion.
Though very challenging, our goal was to use all the existing and previously installed ISI hardware to work with our Saleslink software, saving H2O significant dollars. Converting the ISI WashSoft system to our Saleslink project consisted of the following.
- Installing a Saleslink Stacker to operate in code mode.
- Connect the Saleslink Stacker Controller to a Kesseltronics RTU.
- Update the Unitec C-Start to the most current software version.
- Program the C-Start to allow for upgrades from RFID tag and Rain X or one of 3 full service options.
- Get the existing traffic signal working correctly with the controller.
- Program the C-Start to automatically close a transaction and print receipt if RFID customer does not buy or upgrade within 30 seconds.
- Install Saleslink POS.
- Update all excising ISI sales terminals with Saleslink POS.
- Connect all existing printers, scanners and cash drawers to function correctly with Saleslink.
Washlink Systems can proudly say we're completely experienced in converting the discontinued and unsupported ISI WashSoft car wash program to a completely fully functioning Saleslink System on excisting ISI hardware. If you are now using an ISI system and are concerned with your future with ISI WashSoft please contact us and we'll guide you through the process of converting to Saleslink.