Washlink Systems Coleman Hanna Carwash Systems STI Conveyor Systems GPS Service GmbH & Co. KG Autowaschtag we're pleased to be invited to tour Shiners Car Wash Services HQ in Melbourne, Australia this morning. Washlink Systems thanks the mates at Shiners for the tour of their facility.
Left to Right: Fred De Crespigny (Shiners Car Wash Systems), Jay Japka (Washlink Systems), Edwin Grabowski (Car Wash Info, Germany), Steve Homan (Washlink Systems), Norbert Grap (GPS Service GmbH & Co. KG), Rob Stephenson (STI Conveyor Systems), Richard Davison (Shiners Car Wash Systems), Annette Coleman (Coleman Hanna Car Wash Systems), Russell Coleman (Coleman Hanna Car Wash Systems), Twyla Stephenson (STI Conveyor Systems)