Washlink Systems team members Micah Smith and Jay Japka were honored last week to install a complete package of Washlink Systems equipment and suite of products at Quick & Clean #3 in Clearfield, Utah. Quick & Clean is a state of the art car wash operation located in the beautiful and sunny yet cold (12° to 34°) Ogden, Clinton and their newest site Clearfield, Utah.
The following is a list of some of the custom designed equipment and programing especially designed to Quick & Clean's requirements. This makes Quick & Clean #3 the most sophisticated car wash in their area.
Two Unitec Sentinel pay stations at sunrise
- Saleslink Systems Point of Sale system, custom designed to Quick & Clean’s requirements.
- Two Washlink Systems integrated Unitec Sentinel pay stations, specifically programed for Quick & Clean.
- One Independent RFID only lane where no pay station is required for Quick & Clean’s unlimited customers.
- Washlink Systems Multi Lane Traffic management & gate controls.
- Washlink Systems VFD Motor Control Center with built in tunnel controller, custom designed especially to Quick & Clean’s specifications.
- Custom designed RFID tags with Quick & Clean logo.
Two Unitec Sentinel pay stations in the two left lanes and the right lane is RFID only
Washlink Systems appreciates Quick & Clean’s owner Linda and staff, Jasen, Amanda and Jessica in trusting us and our state of the art automated car wash equipment in their new and beautiful car wash. We also like to thank Wade and Jim of Automate located in Park City, Utah for help with the installation.